

Troy has loud sex. Troy has loud sex 24-7. Troy shares a wall with Thea and Charlie. Troy is ruining their lives... or is he saving them? A darkly comedic tale of New York neighbors, the ways in which we become interwoven with the lives of strangers, and the unexpected consequences of unasked-for intimacy.

  • My name’s Mike Donahue, I’m an NYC-based first-time filmmaker. For the last decade, I’ve been working as a theatre director – largely developing new work with writers, doing world premieres of new plays in NYC and LA, and reinterpretations of classic musicals (like Little Shop of Horrors with MJ Rodriguez in LA just before the pandemic hit).

  • With Troy, I wanted to explore the ways in which being overly comfortable/settled in your daily life and relationships (and the quiet but profound loneliness that can underlie that), can lead to obsession, fixation, and projection.

    Most of us have spent the last two years in varying degrees of isolation – cut off from our families and friends, trapped in our apartments/homes, trapped even with our partners. Struggling with health, with finances, absolutely – but the psychological costs have also been great. Being trapped, starved for stimulation, for the joyously unpredictable, for the welcomed destabilization of the new.